SWAROVSKI jewelry store at Champs-Elysées, Paris

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SAM – Schlösser Architecture Management, local architect
Gruschwitz GmbH, German general contractor
Scope of services: Permit set, tendering, construction site management, handover, (limited scope)
Surface area: 210m²
Livraison: 2009


The brand Swarovski, that produces and commercializes  crystal jewelry, had decided to change  its  image with a new concept, including the by changing of the fitting-out of  its stores.
The first store to be relooked in Paris is the new store at Champs Elysées, the most famous shopping street of Paris.

  • Partial demolition of a mezzanine to create clear space  of total height for the entrance area.
  • In this area: installation of a light sculpture made of glass and metal.
  • Entire fit-out, including the creation of an illuminated crystal stair made of glass and crystals.
  • Installation of a new exterior signage on the double height glazing façade; made of illuminated aluminum prisms and illuminated single letters of the brands name.

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